

33 : Carbon metabolism, lipid composition and metabolism in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. In: soil biology: root-organ culture of mycorhizal fungi; A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, J. Fontaine and R. Durand ; S. Declerck, D.G. Strullu and J.A. Fortin (eds.), Springer-Verlag (2004) (sous presse).

32 : Effect of the high molecular weight PAH, benzo[a]pyrene on fatty acid and sterol composition of the mitosporic fungus Fusarium solani; A. Verdin, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani and R. Durand, Environnemental Pollution (2004) (soumise).

31 : Modifications in the Fusarium solani polypeptide pattern induced by the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, benzo[a]pyrene; A. Verdin, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, A. Garçon, P.E. Sautière, P. Sherali and R. Durand, Environnemental Pollution (2004) (soumise).

30 : Effects of polyaromatic hydrocarbons on development of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and contribution of this fungus to pollutant degradation; A. Verdin, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, J. Fontaine, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani and R. Durand, New Phytol (2004) (soumise).

29 : Influence of two sterol biosynthesis inhibitor fungicides (fenpropimorph and fenhexamid) on Glomus intraradices grown in monoxenic cultures; J. Fontaine, E. Lozanova, L. Renard, C. Bivort, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, R. Durand and S. Declerck (2004) Mycorrhiza, (sous presse).

28 : A membrane symbiosis-related polypeptide associated with arbuscular mycorrhiza in Daucus carota and Cichorium intybus roots; V. Glorian, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, R. Durand, J.L. Hilbert, J. Vasseur and M. Sancholle (2004) Mycorrhiza, (soumise).

27 : Effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo[a]pyrene, on the intracellular protein composition of Fusarium solani and Fusarium oxysporum ; A. Verdin, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, G. Robinson and R. Durand ; International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, (sous presse).

26 : Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons storage by Fusarium solani in intracellular lipid vesicles; A. Verdin, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, R Newsam, G. Robinson and R. Durand ; Environmental Pollution, (2005) 133 (2) : 283-291.

25 : Les agents de la bioremédiation des sols pollués par les hydocarbures polycycliques aromatiques; A. Verdin, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui and R. Durand ; Revue francophone d'écologie industrielle "Déchets, Sciences et Techniques" (décembre 2004) numéro 36

24 : Defense responses activated by Iodus 40 ®, Milsana ®, salicylil heptanoate and trehalose during the wheat/Blumeria graminis f.sp tritici compatible interaction; D. Renard, B Randoux, Ph. Reignault, J. Sanssené and R Durand. Proceedings of the 11th International Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Conference, Norwich, England, 22-27 August 2004, abstract A2.59, Cereal Rusts and Powdery Mildews Bulletin. []

23 : Carbon metabolism, lipid composition and metabolism in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, J. Fontaine, R. Durand ; In : Root-organ culture of mycorrhizal fungi, S. Declerck, D. Strullu and A. Fortin (eds) (2004) Springer (sous presse)

22 : Prélèvement, stockage intracellulaire et dégradation des hydrocarbures polycycliques aromatiques par un champignon tellurique : Fusarium solani ; A. Verdin, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, R Newsam, G. Robinson and R. Durand ; Revue francophone d'écologie industrielle "Déchets, Sciences et Techniques" (mars 2004) numéro 34

21 : Degradation of benzo[a]pyrene by mitosporic fungi and extracellular oxidative enzymes ; A. Verdin, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, R. Durand ; International Bioterioration and Biodegradation (2004) 53(2) : 65-70

20 : The oil of Adenanthera pavonina L.seeds ; R Zarnowski, A Jaromin, M. Certik, T Czabany, J. Fontaine, T. Jakubik, C.M. IQBAL, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, A. Kosubek, S.J. Pietr ; Zeitschrift für naturforschung (2004) vol. 59c : 321-326.

19 : 24-Methyl/Methylene sterols increase in monoxenic roots after colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ; J. Fontaine, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, V. Glorian, R. Durand ; New Phytologist (2004) 163 : 159-167

18 : Lipids in fungal biotechnology ; M. Sancholle, D.M. Lösel, F. Laruelle ; The Mycota II "Genetics and Biotechnology" (2nd edition), U. Kück (Ed.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2004) 19 : 391-423

17 : Biotechnological potential of fungal lipids ; M. Sancholle, D.M. Lösel, J. Muchembled, F. Laruelle ; Handbook of applied mycology vol.4 "Fungal Biotechnology" (2nd edition), D.K Arora, R.P. Elander, K.G. Mukerji (Eds.), Marcel Dekker New York, Basel, Hong Kong (2004) : 341-351

16 : Disruption of Botrytis cinerea pectin methylesterase gene Bcpme1 reduces virulence on several host plants ; O. Valette, A. Cimerman, Ph. Reignault, C. Levis, M. Boccara ; Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction (2003) 16 : 360-367

15 : Metabolization of the polycyclic Aromatic benzo[a]pyrene by a non-White Rot Fungus (Fusarium solani) in a Batch Reactor ; E. Veignie, C. Rafin, P. Woisel, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, F. Cazier ; Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (2002) 22(1) : 87-97

14 : Construction of a chimeric xylanase using multidomain enzymes from Neocallimastix frontalis; L. Mesta, C. Rascle, R. Durand and M. Fèvre ; Enz. Microbiol. Technol. (2001) 29: 456-463.

13 : Trehalose induces resistance in powdery mildew in wheat ; Ph. Reignault, A. Cogan, J. Muchembled, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, R. Durand and M. Sancholle ; New Phytologist (2001) 149 : 519-529.

12 : Sterol biosynthesis by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices ; J. Fontaine, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, M.A. Hartmann and M. Sancholle ; Lipids (2001) 36 : 1357-1363.

11 : Métabolisme lipidique du champignon endomycorhizien Glomus intraradices ; J. Fontaine, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, M.A. Hartmann and M. Sancholle ; C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (2001) 34 : 847-853.

10 : Lipids of mycorrhizae ; M. Sancholle and A. Grandmougin-Ferjani ; The Mycota IX (2001), Hock B. (Ed.), Springer-Verlag : 63-93.

9 : Glomus proliferum sp. nov. : a description based on morphological, biochemical and monoxenic cultivation data ; S. Declerck, S. Cranenbrouck, S. David, Y. Dalpé, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, J. Fontaine and M. Sancholle ; Mycologia (2000) 92 : 1178-1187).

8 : Effect of age on the fatty acid content of Blumeria graminis conidia ; J. Muchembled, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani and M. Sancholle ; Bioch. Soc. Trans (2000) 28 : 875-877.

7 : Changes in sterol composition with onthogeny of Erysiphe graminis conidia ; J. Muchembled, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, A. Grandmougin-Ferjani and M. Sancholle ; Can. J. Bot. (2000) 78 : 1288-1293).

6 : Sterol Distribution in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi ; A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, Y. Dalpe, M.A. Hartmann, F. Laruelle and M. Sancholle ; Phytochemistry (1999) 50 : 1027-1031.

5 : Degradation of benzo[a]pyrene as sole carbon source by a non white rot funguns Fusarium solani ; C. Raffin, O. Pottin, E. Veignie, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui and M. Sancholle ; Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (1999) 21 : 311-329.

4 : Is the VAM fungus Glomus intraradices capable to synthesize its own lipids ? ; J. Fontaine, A. Granmougin-Ferjani, M.A. Hartmann and M. Sancholle ; Advances in Plant Lipid Research, J Muchembled, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, A. Grandmougin Ferjani and M. Sancholle ; Advances in Plant Lipid Research, J. Sanchez, E. Derda-Olmedo, E. Martinez-Force (eds), Secretariado de publicationes de Sevilla (1998) : 602-605.

3 : Does Induction by heptanoyl salicylic acid influence the sterol composition of the plant-pathogen partnership Triticum aestivum (Var. Sideral)/Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici ? ; J Muchembled, A. Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui, A. Grandmougin Ferjani and M. Sancholle ; Advances in Plant Lipid Research, J. Sanchez, E. Derda-Olmedo, E. Martinez-Force (eds), Secretariado de publicationes de Sevilla (1998) : 560-563.

2 : Taxonomic aspects of the sterol and D11 hexadecenoic acid (C16:1, D11) distribution in arbuscular mycorrhizal spores ; Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of plant lipids, J.P. Williams, M. U. Khan, N. W. Lem (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997) : 195-197.

1 : Infection by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae of leek plants (Allium porum L.) : effects on lipids ; A. Grandmougin-Ferjani, Y. Dalpe, E. Veignie, M.A. Hartmann, C. Rafin and M. Sancholle ; Plant Lipids Metabolims, J.M. Kader, P. Mazliack (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers (1995) : 444-446